Parish Lending Library


“The person who loves God values knowledge of God more than anything created by God, and pursues such knowledge ardently and ceaselessly.”

+ St. Maximos the Confessor


St. Mary Magdalene’s Parish Lending Library

The parish lending has recently gone through a reorganization and added several new titles. This Library can be utilized by those in the greater Fenton area. We cannot ship books out to loan.

The parish lending library is open Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 10am -3pm or following Divine Services. Use the sign-out sheet available to check out a book.

You can find reading on the following topics;

St. Mary Magdalene Pictorial History, Young Adult, Journals, Children's Books, Orthodox Theology, Spirituality, Multi Media, Family Life, Orthodox Living, About Prayer & Prayer Books, Sacraments, Advent, Great Lent & Pascha, Intro to Orthodoxy, Scriptural Study, Church History, Liturgical Theology, Service Books, Lives of the Saints. Patristics. Memoirs & Commemorations, and Ethics.

For a full list of titles available check out our online database.

Parish Lending Library Database