Justin’s (Wes) Swearing Into Office

On Monday, December 17th, at the Livingston County Commissioner Board Chambers, Justin Nakagiri took the Oath of Office, after being elected as a Livingston County Commissioner. After the swearing in, Fr. Gabriel offered some prayers and blessings for the beginning of Justin’s tenure as a commissioner! After the service, all of the board members present were anointed with the Holy Oil which flows from the Weeping Icon.

“O Lord Jesus Christ our God, do Thou accept our fervent prayers, and bless the good intent and work of this Thy Servant Wes Justin, that he may begin favorable, and my complete his work for the county, unto Thy glory, and without any obstacle.  Do Thou assist him and direct the work of his hands, and cause it to be brought speedily to completion by the power of Thy Most Holy Spirit.  For Thine it is to show mercy and to save us, O Our God, and unto Thee do we sent up glory, together with Thy Father Who is without beginning, and Thy Most-Holy Good and Lifegiving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages!”