2020 Pet Blessing at Fenton Adopt A Pet

Despite the challenges of the Pandemic, we give Glory to God that we had such a wonderful turnout for our 4th annual Pet Blessing and Prayers for Pet Owners, through the intercessions of St. Mammas! Socially distanced and everyone safely in masks, Fr. Gabriel and a small choir from St. Mary Magdalene sang the short service on the property of the Fenton Adopt-A-Pet, and blessed all of the animals (which this year included dogs, cats, and even a hedgehog!).

“O Creator of all living things, by small and great: You make springs gush forth in the valleys, giving drink to every wild animal, and You cause the grass to grow for the cattle. Now, out of your abiding love for Your creation, drive away all manner of illness from the animals, and preserve them from injury and future harm!

Send Your grace upon owners, veterinarians, and all those who care for your creation. May the examples of Your Saints Mamas, St. Paul of Thebes, Anthony the Great, and Gerasimus of Jordan, inspire us and Your people to deal kindly and mercifully with all animals. For before You, O Lord, all beings in heaven and on earth and under the earth bend their knees and everything that lives and that breathes gives praise to Your glory beyond reach, for You are the one true God, full of mercy: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen!”